HAUG EN SL Power Pack Power Pack
With his modular electronic components the EN SL power pack guarantees a service-friendly power supply.The EN SL power pack comes with two high-voltage connections and was designed to provide HAUG ionizing systems with the required voltage.
The integrated HV-transformer produces an alternating current of approx. 7 – 8 kVAC. The main on/off switch with a build-in display light, always lets the user know that the power pack is ready for operation. The S-Line power pack works ideally with HAUG ionizing products, such as ionizing bars, air gates, ring ionizers etc.
Power Pack EN SL LC
As EN SL, but with integrated full-electronic function monitoring. This system constantly monitors all functions of the ionizing system without any further measuring or test equipment. It alerts the operator of any irregularities by causing the LED indicator integrated in the housing to flash.
Power Pack EN SL RLC
Identical in all technical aspects to the EN SL LC, the EN SL RLC power pack comes additionally with a signal socket above the earthing sleeve. A fault message can be connected to the signal socket.
The maximum contact load is 24 VAC / 35 VDC and max. 50 mA (see contact scheme and logic diagram).