Expo Technologies是危險區域保護的全球領導者。我(wǒ)們與廣泛行業的最終用戶,集成商(shāng)和OEM合作,包括石油和天然氣,化學和石化,制藥和生(shēng)物(wù)技術以及發電(diàn)。
思考–憑借60多年的經驗,我(wǒ)們利用我(wǒ)們在Ex p,Ex e,Ex d和Ex i方面的專業知(zhī)識專注于解決危險區域問題。
About Expo Technologies
Expo Technologies is a world leader in hazardous area protection. We work with end users, integrators and OEMs across a wide range of industries, including oil & gas, chemical & petrochemical, pharmaceutical & biotechnology and power generation.
Drawing on our significant knowledge of safety standards around the world, we deliver our clients’ capabilities in hazardous and extreme environments.
We have manufacturing centres in the UK, USA & China, and operate globally through a network of authorised channel partners.
Think + Design + Certify
Think – With more than 60 years’ experience, we specialise in solving hazardous area problems using our expertise in Ex p, Ex e, Ex d, and Ex i.
Design – We develop engineered solutions for our customer’s needs. Whether it’s supplying a standard product or creating a custom solution to a unique customer need.
Certify – All of our products and custom solutions are certified to international and national standards and trusted by industry leaders globally.
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Expo air purge systems, purging system for gas and dust protection, x, y, z purgeISO 9000, IECEx, UL Classified, FM Approved, ATEX Ex, CE Conformite Europeene, INMETRO, Kosha Safety
Expo Technologies
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世博空氣淨化系統,用于氣體(tǐ)和灰塵保護的淨化系統,x,y,z淨化ISO 9000,IECEx,UL分(fēn)類,FM認證,ATEX Ex,CE Conformite Europeene,INMETRO,Kosha Safety
英國泰晤士河畔的桑伯裏TW16 5DB